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Keep your kidneys in check

"My kidneys failed after living with diabetes for 24 years" - David

"So many people close to me first got diabetes, and then kidney disease."

"Take it seriously. My kidneys failed and there's nothing worse."

"I first experienced symptoms of diabetes in 1989. I was tired, lost 17kg in 3 weeks and was feeling itchy. A friend suggested I go to the doctors, which is when it was discovered I had high sugar levels.

24 years after my diabetes diagnosis I began to show signs of kidney disease, so I got a Kidney Health Check and was told my eGFR was 37%. This basically means I only had 37% function in my kidneys.

This eventually led to beginning dialysis at home before I was able to get a transplant in 2018. Everyone thinks a new kidney is a magic bullet, but it’s not. My new kidney failed and now I do 3 haemodialysis sessions a week for 5hrs each time.

My one message to anyone with diabetes is to watch your sugar levels and take it seriously. Kidney disease is something you can slow the progression of if you catch it early enough."

Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: the facts

1 in 3 people with diabetes will develop diabetic kidney disease (DKD) – a type of kidney disease caused by diabetes
Rates of kidney failure due to diabetes have been increasing by 2.2% per year
Diabetic kidney disease was the underlying cause of kidney failure in 38% of those commencing treatment

Download Your GP Referral Letter

Here’s something to help you start the conversation with your GP.

This handy letter for your GP from Kidney Health Australia’s clinical director, Professor Karen Dwyer will help explain to your GP why you would like your kidneys checked, what tests need to be done and how they can access additional support if required.

Download a referral letter now and take it with you to your next GP appointment.

What does a Kidney Health Check involve?

A Kidney Health Check is very quick and simple.

1. A blood test to check how well your kidneys are working – your GP will order this test to check your eGFR which tells you how much kidney function you have left

2. A urine ACR test – this test will check for albuminuria, a type of protein in your urine. Damaged kidneys often leak protein into the urine

3. A blood pressure check – high blood pressure and kidney disease often occur together, so increasing blood pressure is often an early sign of kidney disease.

A kidney health check can be done as part of your regular GP visit. The tests ordered are covered by Medicare, however your doctor may charge you a gap for the doctor visit.

Don’t have a GP appointment coming soon? Make sure you book one in to get your kidneys checked. It's fast and easy.

Knowledge is power. Here's some helpful resources.

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This campaign has been developed and delivered by Kidney Health Australia in collaboration with Diabetes Australia.

Sponsored by AstraZeneca.